
1.广州中医药大学第三临床医学院,广州 510378;2.广东省中医骨伤研究院,广州 510378;3.广州中医药大学第三附属医院,广州 510378







Therapeutic effects of Qingre jiedu formula on mice with gout based on immune inflammation and gut microbiota

1. the Third Clinical Medical School of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510378, China.2. Guangdong Research Institute for Orthopedics and Traumatology of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510378.3. the Third Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510378

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    目的 探究清热解毒方对痛风小鼠抗炎作用及对肠道菌群的影响。 方法 将 40 只 7~ 8 周龄、体重20~ 22 g 的 SPF 级 C57BL/ 6 雄性小鼠随机分为空白组(CON 组)、模型组(MOD 组)、别嘌醇组(ALLO 组)、清热解毒方组(QRJD 组),第 1~ 35 天每天早上 CON 组灌胃 10 g / 0. 1 mL 羧甲基纤维素,其余各组均灌胃氧嗪酸钾(500mg / kg)+酵母膏(10 g / kg)混悬液制备高尿酸血症小鼠模型;第 29 天在异氟烷麻醉下,往 CON 组小鼠右踝关节注射 50 μL 无菌羧甲基纤维素,其余各组小鼠右踝关节注射等量尿酸钠溶液(50 mg / mL)制备痛风性关节炎模型,同时各组每天灌服相应药物进行治疗;第 35 天取材,取材小鼠禁食不禁水 6 h,检测血尿酸、血肌酐、尿素氮等血液指标,踝关节苏木精-伊红、番红-固绿染色;踝关节免疫组化检测白细胞介素-10( interleukin 10,IL-10)、转化生长因子-β1(transforming growth factor-β1,TGF-β1)抗炎指标;收集小鼠盲肠内容物,采用 16S rDNA 高通量测序法检测肠道菌群变化。 结果 (1)用药治疗 7 d 后,与 MOD 组相比,QRJD 组能有效降低疾病模型小鼠血尿酸(P<0. 001)、肌酐(P<0. 01)、尿素氮(P<0. 05)浓度,有效保护肾功能。 (2)病理结果提示,与 MOD 组相比,苏木精-伊红染色发现 QRJD 组治疗后,关节滑膜增生有所减少,炎症细胞浸润得到减轻;番红-固绿发现中药复方软骨排列较前有序,软骨破坏较 MOD 组减轻,基质未见失染。 (3)踝关节免疫组化结果提示 CON 组、MOD 组 IL-10、TGF-β1 未见明显升高;与 MOD 组相比,QRJD 组的 IL-10、TGF-β1 表达升高(P<0. 05)。 (4)肠道菌群交互关系、多样性上,与 CON 组相比,MOD 组特有的 OTUs 数目增加 75 个,而 QRJD 能减少 MOD 特有的 OTUs 数量,更接近 CON 组;4 组间的 α 多样性未见明显差异(P>0. 05),而 β 多样性发现 QRJD 组的菌群组成更趋向于 CON 组水平(p=0. 001)。 (5)肠道菌群差异分析结果显示,与 CON 组相比,MOD 组 Ruminococcaceae spp. 、Dubosiella sp. 、Tyzzerella sp.Ileibacterium sp. 和 Bacteroidales spp. 等丰度增高(P<0. 05);与 MOD 组对比,QRJD 组 Lactobacillus sp. 、Ligilactobacillus sp. 和Bacteroides sp. 等丰度上升(P<0. 05),且肠道菌群相互作用图显示菌群之间存在相互作用。 (6)肠道菌群与肾功能、抗炎因子相关性分析中,Dubosiella sp. 、Tyzzerella sp. 、Bacteroidales spp. 的相对丰度与 SUA、SCR 呈显著正相关(P<0. 05);而 Lactobacillus sp. 、Ligilactobacillus sp. 、Mitochondria spp. 与 IL-10、TGF-β1 抗炎因子呈正相关,其中与TGF-β1 较为显著(P<0. 05)。 (7)COG 功能预测提示 QRJD 组功能集中于无机离子转运和代谢、碳水化合物运输与代谢等。 结论 QRJD 能有效调节免疫炎症-肠道微生态紊乱从而治疗痛风疾病,推测其防治痛风的机制是调节肠道菌群多样性以及调控 Ruminococcaceae spp. 、Dubosiella sp、Lactobacillus sp. 等差异菌群丰度实现治疗痛风的目的。


    Objective To explore the anti-inflammatory effect of Qingre Jiedu (QRJD) formula on mice with gout and its effect on gut microbiota. Methods Forty C57BL/ 6 mice weighing 20 ~ 22 g were divided into control (CON),model (MOD), allopurinol (ALLO), and QRJD formula (QRJD)groups, and i. g. 10 g / 0. 1 mL carboxymethyl cellulose was administered to the CON every morning from 1 to 35 days. A hyperuricemia mouse model was prepared by intragastric injection of a potassium oxalic acid ( 500 mg / kg) and yeast extract ( 10 g / kg) suspension. On day 29, 50 μL sterile carboxymethyl cellulose was injected into the right ankle of mice in the CON group under isoflurane-induced anesthesia,and a gouty arthritis model was prepared by injecting the same volume of sodium urate(50 mg / mL) into the right ankle of mice in the other groups. Each group was treated with corresponding drugs every day. On day 35, samples were collected from mice that had been fasted for 6 hours without water. Blood indexes, such as uric acid, creatinine, and urea nitrogen,were assessed. Hematoxylin-eosin and saffranine O-fast green staining was performed on ankle joints. Anti-inflammatory indexes of interleukin-10 ( IL-10 ) and transforming growth factor-β1 ( TGF-β1 ) were detected by ankle joints immunohistochemical assay. The cecum contents of mice were collected, and changes in gut microbiota were analyzed by high-throughput sequencing of 16S rDNA. Results (1)After 7 days of treatment, compared with the MOD group, QRJD formula effectively reduced the blood concentrations of uric acid (P<0. 001), creatinine (P<0. 01), and urea nitrogen (P<0. 05), and effectively protected renal functions. (2)Compared with the MOD group, HE staining showed that synovial hyperplasia and inflammatory cell infiltration were reduced in the QRJD formula group after treatment. The cartilage arrangement of the compound was more orderly than before, cartilage destruction was less than that in the MOD group, and no matrix loss was observed. (3)Immunohistochemical analysis of the ankle joint indicated that IL-10 and TGF-β1 were not significantly increased in CON and MOD groups. Compared with the MOD group, IL-10 and TGF-β1 expression in the QRJD formula group were increased (P<0. 05). (4)In terms of biodiversity, the number of MOD-specific OTUs increased by 75 compared to the CON group, while the QRJD was able to reduce the number of MOD-specific OTUs to more closely resemble the CON group;no significant difference was found in α-diversity among the four groups (P<0. 05), whereas βdiversity was more similar to the CON group (p=0. 001). (5)Compared with the CON group, the MOD group exhibited increased abundances ( P<0. 05) of Ruminococcaceae spp. , Dubosiella sp. , Tyzzerella sp. , Ileibacterium sp. , and Bacteroidales spp. . In contrast to the MOD group, the QRJD formula group showed elevated abundances (P<0. 05) of Lactobacillus sp. , Ligilactobacillus sp. , and Bacteroides sp. . Furthermore, an interaction network of gut microbiota indicated mutual interactions among these microorganisms. (6)In the correlation analysis between gut microbiota and renal functions as well as anti-inflammatory factors, the relative abundances of Dubosiella sp. , Tyzzerella sp. , and Bacteroidales spp. were significantly positively correlated to SUA and SCR (P<0. 05). However, Lactobacillus sp. , Ligilactobacillus sp. , and Mitochondria spp. exhibited a positive correlation to anti-inflammatory factors IL-10 and TGF-β1 with a more significant association observed for TGF-β1 (P<0. 05). (7) COG function prediction suggested that the functions of the QRJD formula group were concentrated on inorganic ion transport and metabolism, and carbohydrate transport and metabolism. Conclusions QRJD effectively modulates immune inflammation and gut microbiota dysbiosis, thereby treating gout. Its mechanism of gout prevention and treatment may involve regulation of gut microbiota diversity and abundance, as well as the control of the abundance of differential bacterial species, such as Ruminococcaceae spp. , Dubosiella sp. , and Lactobacillus sp. , to achieve gout therapy.


何宪顺,林 锟,陆 舜,韦雨柔,田佳庆,江禹来,魏腾飞,林天烨,何敏聪,魏秋实.基于免疫炎症-肠道微生态探讨清热解毒方对痛风小鼠治疗作用的研究[J].中国比较医学杂志,2024,34(5):~1.

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  • 收稿日期:2023-07-07
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  • 在线发布日期: 2024-06-26
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